All DIY Miata

Miata Power Window Fix

The driver’s side window in my Evolution Orange Miata  started lowering to only about half way down and would it not go any further.  However, it would roll back up without issue. Since the regulator motor still worked, I suspected the cable keepers for the power unit may be interfering with the mechanism some how. […]

All DIY Miata Wheels

Aftermarket Wheels

I bought some Konig aftermarket 17″ wheels for the 00 SE above.  I got three of them onto the car after getting them home my trailer.  One of the wheels was damaged and I bought a replacement for it.  I will have the tire mounted next week. Anyway, this is how the car looks with […]

DIY Miata

Third Brake Light Flasher

I found a thread that outlined installing a flasher on the third brake light.  With the car being so little, I thought that was a great idea so others can see me better, especially when stopping.  It is a low cost safety feature that works. One of the links is .  It outlines using a flasher […]